HERB's classroom-ready primary documents and teaching activities engage students with deep historical questions and are designed to support learning at every level. Grounded in decades of work with history teachers in real classrooms, HERB reflects ASHP/CML’s mission of making the past, and the working people and ordinary Americans who shaped it, vivid and meaningful.
WIN10电脑如何访问外国的网站-百度经验:2021-12-24 · WIN10电脑如何访问外国的网站,很多人都想看看国外的新闻或者消息什么的,但是国内是不能进入国外的网站的,这个时候就需要翻墙了,今天我就和大家分享一下应该怎么做。
Who Freed the Slaves? How a War for Union Became a War for Freedom
Creating an Empire: U.S. Expansion at the Turn of the Twentieth Century
Two Wings of the Same Bird: Cuban Immigration and Puerto Rican Migration to the United States
Child Cotton Pickers Haul Heavy Loads
How is History Recorded? The Lewis and Clark Journals and Lakota Winter Counts
In this activity, students read two primary documents from the early 1800s: a journal entry from the Lewis and Clark expedition and a Lakota Indian…
Online professional development for history teachers.